2010年2月20日(土) 23:40 JST
閲覧数 5,172
NetScreen 5XTのファームウェアアップデートしました。
ns5xt-> trust interface change state to Up Save System Configuration ... Done update new flash image (02d6c790,3467367) platform = 17, cpu = 10, version = 16 offset = 20, address = 1a00000, size = 3467289 date = 33650050, time = 28008000, cksum = 4a788bab Program flash (0,3467367) ... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++done NetScreen NS-5XT/5XE Boot Loader Version 1.2.0 (Checksum: 8DCDA266) Copyright (c) 1997-2002 NetScreen Technologies, Inc. Total physical memory: 64MB Test - Pass Initialization - Done Model Number: NS-5XT Hit any key to run loader Hit any key to run loader Hit any key to run loader Hit any key to run loader Load image from on-board flash... Ignore image authentication! Start loading... ................................................ Done. Juniper Networks, Inc NS-5XT System Software Copyright, 1997-2004 Version 5.0.0r11.0 Load Manufacture Information ... init manufacture info Done Load NVRAM Information ... (3.3)Done Install module init vectors Verify ACL register default value (at hw reset) ... Done Verify ACL register read/write ... Done Verify ACL rule read/write ... Done Verify ACL rule search ... Done MD5("a") = 0cc175b9 c0f1b6a8 31c399e2 69772661 MD5("abc") = 90015098 3cd24fb0 d6963f7d 28e17f72 MD5("message digest") = f96b697d 7cb7938d 525a2f31 aaf161d0 Verify DES register read/write ... Done Upgrading the loader. DO NOT power off the NetScreen device during this operation. Powering off the device during the loader upgrade could result in permanent damage to the device. ....The upgrade of the loader is complete. Upgrading the file system. DO NOT power off the NetScreen device during this operation. Powering off the device during the file system upgrade could result in loss of data. Moving files from one file system to the other file system. ...... All files were successfully moved from one file system to the other. The upgrade of the file system is complete. No work mode initialized, set tomode Initial port mode trust-untrust(1) Install modules (00723c60,00c0ddd4) ... load dns table . Done Initializing DI 1.1.0-ns System config (2229 bytes) loaded Load System Configuration ............ Unsupported command - set interface untrust dhcp ................... Unsupported command - set flow check-session ................... Unsupported command - set dial-up speed 9600 .................Done system init done.. login: trust interface change state to Up System change state to Active(1)